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Ming Renirf

Dr. Ming Ren

Chief Medical Specialist in CNS (Central Nervous System), Senior Vice President, Clinical Service Center

Post doctor, National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA; Ph.D. of Neurology, Chinese PLA General Hospital; Clinical research and clinical trial training in Psychiatry at the Case Medical Center.

Nearly 40 years of experience, with key areas of expertise including:

Clinical work in neurology/psychiatry at institutions such as: Medical School of Chinese PLA, Changzheng Hospital of Second Military Medical University, Case Medical Center, USA, Xuanwu Hospital, and the Sixth Naval Medical Center.

Basic neuroscience research: at the PLA General Hospital, NIH, and the U.S. Uniformed Services University, with 70 published papers (nearly 60 in SCI journals).

Clinical research: management and evaluation of clinical trials affairs, at Case Medical Center, USA, and Xuanwu Hospital.

Chief Medical Officer roles at ZhiMeng Medicine and Xique Medicine, contributing to the development of drugs, primarily focused on the nervous and mental health fields.

Since joining the medical department of CSC, taking responsible for medical affairs management and participating in clinical trials of drugs primarily targeting the nervous and mental health domains.