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“Human Substance Balance Clinical Research” CSC Specialized Salon on was successfully held

The Specialized Salon on 'Human Substance Balance Clinical Research' was successfully held on May 15th, jointly organized by the Suzhou Clinical Research Services Platform, CSC Suzhou office, Suzhou Rideo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi Beta Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., Affiliated First Hospital of Soochow University, and Affiliated Second Hospital of Soochow University at the Suzhou Industrial Park Biomedical Industry Park. The salon focused on the topic of 'Substance Balance' and brought together industry experts and clinical professionals to discuss hot issues in 'Human Substance Balance Clinical Research,' aiming to promote learning and exchange within the field.

At the beginning of the conference, representing the Suzhou Clinical Research Services Platform, Professor Gu Liuyuan from the Suzhou Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced the overview of the Suzhou Clinical Research Services Platform and the main objectives of the salon. As the biomedical industry is a key industry in Suzhou, this event aimed to deepen the exploration of the emerging topic of human substance balance research, enhance learning and exchange within the industry, and support enterprise development to promote industrial advancement.


The first session of the conference, focusing on the industrial chain of substance balance research - regulations, labeling, analysis, and clinical trials, was presented by Mr. Yujie Liu, Vice President of CSC Suzhou office. Mr. Yujie Liu provided a comprehensive explanation of the design and implementation of substance balance clinical research for new drugs. He began by tracing the development of substance balance clinical research, comparing the current status domestically and internationally, and introducing regulatory comparisons. Finally, Mr. Yujie Liu highlighted how substance balance clinical research should be smoothly conducted, emphasizing aspects such as clinical strategy, clinical trial centers, trial design considerations, and clinical verification concerns.

The second session of the conference, addressing the current situation of human radioactive isotope ADME research domestically and internationally, was presented by Dr. Zhu Mingshe, Chief Scientific Officer of Suzhou Rideo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. Dr. Zhu, an expert in drug metabolism and mass spectrometry technology, with over 20 years of international experience in pharmaceutical companies (BMS) and 5 years in CRO innovative drug research and management, shared insights into why European and American pharmaceutical companies (as recommended by regulatory agencies) conduct human substance balance experiments before Phase III clinical trials. He also discussed circumstances under which small-molecule new drugs may not need to undergo human substance balance experiments, situations where such experiments may be unnecessary or postponed during Phase III clinical trials, and whether ADCs should undergo human substance balance experiments.


The final segment of the conference, a panel discussion, featured Director Zhang Hua from the Affiliated First Hospital of Soochow University, Director Pan Jie from the Affiliated Second Hospital of Soochow University, Dr. Ren Ming, Vice President of CSC Suzhou office, Dr. Zhu Mingshe, Chief Scientific Officer of Suzhou Rideo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., and President Cao Weiqiu of Wuxi Beta Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. They engaged in discussions and explorations on topics related to 'Substance Balance Clinical Research,' including when to conduct human substance balance experiments in clinical research, the application of radioactive technology, and the disposal of radioactive waste.

One of the co-organizers of the conference, CSC Suzhou office, is a comprehensive medical technology service provider dedicated to clinical operations, drug administration registration, medical strategy and writing, medical supervision, biostatistics and data management, drug alert, call center, quality assurance, training, and consulting services. Through active participation in clinical research and academic promotion in the domestic and international medical field, the company provides specialized clinical services for pharmaceutical companies, authoritative academic institutions, clinical trial research institutions, experts, and doctors. In the future, it will continue to promote academic promotion and commercial discussions in the medical field, contributing to the development of the key industry.